Coaching Services
Sophia Coaching offers many different types of coaching serving individuals through to Corporate Teams.

Life Coaching

Executive Coaching

TEAM Coaching
We Show you How to Unleash your Inner Wisdom
“Everyone in this world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our misguided personal thoughts.” ~ Sydney Banks

TEAM Coaching
It is a joy and privilege to regularly witness significant shifts take place in the psychology and thought patterns of the individuals we coach, however, on many occasions we are fully aware that individuals are returning to an organisational system, that is not ready for the type of new thinking that is needed to thrive in today’s world.
A key unit for driving organisational change is coaching real teams, i.e. teams who have a collective purpose and performance goals. Team coaching, while having a wider organisational impact if carried out at executive and senior leadership level, also benefits functional,

cross-functional, dispersed, joint account and client, temporary, project or virtual teams. This is not about one-off team days, which are nice to do, however, are generally considered ineffective in the longer term. Team coaching is about a coach or coaches journeying with a team, over time as the team develops:
- their collective purpose and goals
- a unique team identity
- an agreement on team values and behaviours
- a deeper awareness of self, each other and their stakeholders
- a psychologically safe space where no one feels threatened and relationships are developed in the interests of the team
- new ways of working, including how teams conduct meetings, make decisions and engage with their key stakeholders
- a transformative mindset that encourages the team to think differently about how they create, innovate, learn and support each other
No two team coaching interventions are ever the same. Following a diagnostic of your team’s strengths and development areas, including feedback from key stakeholders including customers/clients where appropriate, a team coaching programme is developed, and measurement criteria agreed.
We hold individuals and the team collectively in a non-judgemental and reflective space, that maximises psychological safety and allows the team to collectively transform. We believe that the innate wisdom of the team, is often lost to harmful and normally invisible group dynamics. Our job as team coaches is to use our expertise to help teams unlock their innate and collective potential.
We would be absolutely delighted to hear about your team and help you discover how team coaching could help maximise its collective purpose, potential and performance.

Executive Coaching
“It can be lonely at the top.”
Senior executives and leaders of teams are often expected to have all the answers to all the questions. From the board or from their team, the pressure to be available, to be knowledgeable, to be brilliant under all conditions, brings stresses and strains that can sap the energy and productivity of even the most capable executive.
Sophia Coaching has the experience and the tools to help Senior Executives pause, reflect and tap into their innate wisdom and creativity. Through holding the right space of non-judgemental questioning, curiosity about all aspects of the situation, and providing a listening ear, we enable the inner wisdom and the experience of the person to provide their own answers to whatever issue is currently at play in their lives.
Life Coaching
“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.” ~ Sydney Banks
Where does the experience of your life really come from? When we see the answer to this question for ourselves we become open to the endless source of wisdom, well-being and resilience that lies, (often buried), within all of us.
In our Life Coaching sessions we will work with you to help you uncover this great hidden power that is within you. The power to understand where our experience and feelings and emotions are truly coming from, and through this to free you from whatever appears to be holding you back from true happiness and success in life. Career, personal, relationship, societal…in whatever sphere of your life you would like to explore further or need help with, Sophia Coaching has the experience and skills to help you access your own answers and way forward.
Feel free to get in touch to have a confidential complimentary chat about whatever you would like to focus on and how we would work with you to help.